Page 19 - Bronze
P. 19
CAST Bronze Pricing
PRICE PER BRONZE PLAQUE: Includes standard border, texture, brushed nish, one background color, and one artwork proof.
2” 3” 4” 5” 6” 7” 8” 9” 10” 12” 14” 15” 16” 18” 20” 22” 24” 26” 28” 30”
2” $188 $188 $188 $188 $188 $188 $188 $188 $188 $188 $231 $243 $248 $265 $308 $588 $595 $849 $852 $857
3” 188 188 188 188 188 188 188 226 241 265 340 353 367 381 450 592 596 854 859 864
4” 188 188 188 188 188 231 248 250 286 329 405 424 426 457 540 593 597 860 871 873
5” 188 188 188 215 241 250 286 298 343 415 455 603 605 606 662 860 957 982 984 989
6” 188 188 188 241 250 329 330 389 415 455 457 605 608 609 698 863 961 984 989 994
7” 188 188 231 250 329 422 424 426 468 554 612 746 749 854 915 954 976 1,000 1,073 1,150
8” 188 188 248 286 330 424 457 459 478 560 616 749 754 858 927 957 1,015 1,139 1,205 1,254
9” 188 226 250 298 389 426 459 478 522 619 771 827 860 929 969 981 1,073 1,280 1,374 1,460
10” 188 241 286 343 415 468 478 522 574 663 773 829 865 965 1,061 1,067 1,271 1,418 1,458 1,608
12” 188 265 329 415 455 554 560 619 663 815 895 940 1,054 1,143 1,271 1,391 1,511 1,729 1,778 1,929
14” 231 340 405 455 457 612 616 771 773 895 1,038 1,088 1,188 1,336 1,477 1,627 1,799 2,018 2,176 2,329
15” 243 353 424 603 605 746 749 827 829 940 1,088 1,190 1,245 1,418 1,583 1,837 1,904 2,167 2,333 2,495
16” 248 367 426 605 608 749 754 860 865 1,054 1,188 1,245 1,347 1,508 1,713 1,866 2,060 2,304 2,483 2,667
18” 265 381 457 606 609 854 858 929 965 1,143 1,336 1,418 1,508 1,730 1,929 2,086 2,304 2,492 2,697 2,894
20” 308 450 540 662 698 915 927 969 1,061 1,271 1,477 1,583 1,713 1,929 2,142 2,364 2,568 2,891 2,960 3,202
22” 588 592 593 860 863 954 957 981 1,067 1,391 1,627 1,837 1,866 2,086 2,364 2,692 2,844 3,175 3,423 3,551
24” 595 596 597 957 961 976 1,015 1,073 1,271 1,511 1,799 1,904 2,060 2,304 2,568 2,844 3,075 3,464 3,560 3,850
26” 849 854 860 982 984 1,000 1,139 1,280 1,418 1,729 2,018 2,167 2,304 2,492 2,891 3,175 3,464 3,798 4,089 4,384
28” 852 859 871 984 989 1,073 1,205 1,374 1,458 1,778 2,176 2,333 2,483 2,697 2,960 3,423 3,560 4,089 4,405 4,413
30” 857 864 873 989 994 1,150 1,254 1,460 1,608 1,929 2,329 2,495 2,667 2,894 3,202 3,551 3,850 4,384 4,413 4,774
32” 871 873 944 1,008 1,052 1,221 1,397 1,571 1,777 2,117 2,483 2,667 2,844 3,183 3,532 3,908 4,242 4,401 5,034 5,367
34” 1,004 1,011 1,016 1,022 1,089 1,304 1,430 1,672 1,885 2,128 2,641 2,826 3,018 3,200 3,551 4,152 4,265 4,774 5,345 5,393
36”* 1,014 1,016 1,057 1,066 1,132 1,377 1,550 1,762 1,993 2,304 2,798 3,000 3,200 3,462 3,838 4,265 4,613 5,255 5,351 5,836
38”* 1,039 1,042 1,088 1,092 1,246 1,452 1,655 1,868 2,106 2,533 2,954 3,167 3,378 3,798 4,219 4,517 5,064 5,550 5,780 6,270
40”* 1,091 1,094 1,098 1,104 1,312 1,527 1,777 2,002 2,214 2,667 3,107 3,330 3,551 3,997 4,440 4,885 5,324 5,573 6,052 6,337
*Oversize charges will apply
• Polished Surface Finish: 50% adder (up to 29" x 29")
• 24" STAKE = $117 • UP TO 12" = $23
• Chemical Oxidized Finish: 15% adder (up to 29" x 29")
• 36" STAKE = $137 • 13" - 23" = $45
• For sizes not shown, use the next largest plaque price. • 48" STAKE = $161 • 24"+ = $67
• Garden stake mount requires a minimum of 4"h plaque
• 1" Post mount requires a minimum of 6"h plaque STANDARD DEPTHS:
• 1" X 6' = $191 • Less than 324 sq. inches = 5/16” Depth
• 1.5" Post mount requires a minimum of 7"h plaque • 324 - 575 sq. inches = 1/2” Depth
• 1" X 8' = $254
• 576 - 1,295 sq. inches = 3/4” Depth
• 2" Post mount requires a minimum of 8"h plaque • 1.5" X 6' = $247
• Over 1,295 sq. inches = 1” Depth
• 1.5" X 8' = $328
• 2" X 6' = $285
• 2" X 8' = $380