Page 11 - Bronze
P. 11
PRICE PER ALUMINUM PLAQUE: Includes standard border, texture, brushed nish, one background color, and one artwork proof.
2” 3” 4” 5” 6” 7” 8” 9” 10” 12” 14” 15” 16” 18” 20” 22” 24” 26” 28” 30”
2” $115 $115 $115 $115 $115 $115 $115 $115 $115 $115 $129 $136 $137 $142 $156 $224 $292 $419 $423 $424
3” 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 126 134 142 213 222 223 246 259 266 293 426 427 429
4” 115 115 115 115 115 129 137 140 156 182 214 223 224 247 267 293 294 429 431 432
5” 115 115 115 115 134 140 156 164 184 222 288 319 327 335 343 424 472 486 488 491
6” 115 115 115 134 140 182 183 206 222 265 292 320 330 342 347 427 474 491 492 493
7” 115 115 129 140 182 223 225 245 266 287 363 367 392 417 452 470 499 511 551 586
8” 115 115 137 156 183 225 237 246 267 288 364 388 413 420 454 472 501 559 593 637
9” 115 126 140 164 206 245 246 267 300 326 377 408 433 474 502 504 551 656 708 749
10” 115 134 156 184 222 266 267 300 303 361 381 410 437 477 516 545 623 700 713 784
12” 115 142 182 222 265 287 288 326 361 419 456 479 520 556 623 700 761 855 879 943
14” 129 213 214 288 292 363 364 377 381 456 518 559 576 651 741 794 878 994 1,070 1,145
15” 136 222 223 319 320 367 388 408 410 479 559 613 637 713 796 914 974 1,112 1,196 1,280
16” 137 223 224 327 330 392 413 433 437 520 576 637 674 759 834 924 1,001 1,136 1,218 1,337
18” 142 246 247 335 342 417 420 474 477 556 651 713 759 848 943 1,027 1,160 1,247 1,353 1,454
20” 156 259 267 343 347 452 454 502 516 623 741 796 834 943 1,047 1,167 1,289 1,475 1,510 1,605
22” 224 266 293 424 427 470 472 504 545 700 794 914 924 1,027 1,167 1,351 1,455 1,623 1,749 1,820
24” 292 293 294 472 474 499 501 551 623 761 878 974 1,001 1,160 1,289 1,455 1,548 1,770 1,823 1,934
26” 419 426 429 486 491 511 559 656 700 855 994 1,112 1,136 1,247 1,475 1,623 1,770 1,940 2,091 2,239
28” 423 427 431 488 492 551 593 708 713 879 1,070 1,196 1,218 1,353 1,510 1,749 1,823 2,091 2,246 2,253
30” 424 429 432 491 493 586 637 749 784 943 1,145 1,280 1,337 1,454 1,605 1,820 1,934 2,239 2,253 2,397
32” 426 430 436 516 520 630 692 809 875 1,047 1,218 1,368 1,426 1,633 1,820 1,997 2,176 2,245 2,571 2,573
34” 453 470 487 520 538 666 705 859 930 1,052 1,300 1,451 1,516 1,642 1,827 2,123 2,188 2,326 2,726 2,755
36”* 480 499 510 522 559 704 754 908 979 1,126 1,400 1,537 1,601 1,737 1,930 2,176 2,316 2,683 2,734 2,845
38”* 534 535 538 540 615 745 811 960 1,036 1,247 1,594 1,625 1,694 1,938 2,154 2,308 2,587 2,829 2,843 3,204
40”* 555 559 560 562 645 784 875 1,022 1,096 1,337 1,603 1,709 1,784 2,041 2,271 2,494 2,721 2,847 2,861 3,240
*Oversize charges will apply
5/16" thickness as standard production. Option for 1/8" thick (up to 18" x 18"). 1/4" & 3/8" thickness (review required)
• Polished Surface Finish: 50% adder (up to 36" x 40")
• 24" STAKE = $117 • UP TO 12" = $23
• For UV Colorlast Print: Submit art for review and pricing
• 36" STAKE = $137 • 13" - 23" = $45
• For sizes not shown, use the next largest plaque price. • 48" STAKE = $161 • 24"+ = $67
• Garden stake mount requires a minimum of 4"h plaque
• 1" Post mount requires a minimum of 6"h plaque
• 1" X 6' = $191
• 1.5" Post mount requires a minimum of 7"h plaque
• 1" X 8' = $254
• 2" Post mount requires a minimum of 8"h plaque • 1.5" X 6' = $247
• 1.5" X 8' = $328
• 2" X 6' = $285
• 2" X 8' = $380