Page 21 - Bronze
P. 21

             CAST     Bronze Pricing

             PRICE PER BRONZE PLAQUE: Includes standard border, texture, brushed  nish, one background color, and one artwork proof.

                   42”*  44”*  46”*  48”*  50”*  52”*  54”*  56”*  58”*  60”*  62”*  64”*  66”*  72”*  78”*  84”** 90”** 96”**
              12”   $2,796  $2,931  $3,059  $3,192  $3,371  $3,500  $3,635  $3,773  $3,906  $4,035  $4,156  $4,282  $4,855  $5,074  $5,295  $6,138  $8,587  $8,794
              18”   4,189   4,389   4,589   4,787   5,047   5,250   5,449   5,654   5,855   6,056   6,225   6,363   6,492   6,948   7,311   7,982   11,338   11,694
              24”   5,581   5,850   6,110   6,379   6,730   6,997   7,265   7,535   7,803   8,068   8,298   8,566   9,882   10,348   10,985   12,646   13,112   13,582
              30”   7,064   7,402   7,735   8,068   8,406   8,744   9,082   9,421   10,242   11,353   11,428   11,483   11,542   11,902   12,377   14,303   14,882   17,474
              36”*   8,060   9,515   9,637   9,798   11,351   11,804   12,110   12,713   12,770   13,531   13,598   13,667   13,736   13,913   15,915   17,959   18,665   19,388
              40”*  10,087   10,969   11,466   11,966   12,611   13,116   13,246   14,121   14,484   14,984   15,400   15,896   16,057   16,359   17,190   19,287   20,125
              42”*  10,596   11,098   11,604   12,108   12,737   13,246   13,621   14,261   14,630   15,136   15,554   16,057   16,216   17,358   18,243   20,465
              44”*  11,098   11,285   11,750   12,366   12,865   13,621   13,730   14,405   14,922   15,381   16,184   16,244   16,380   17,531   18,423
              46”*  11,604   11,750   11,970   12,491   12,992   13,648   13,927   14,549   15,073   15,535   16,333   16,415   16,544   17,707   18,608
              48”*  12,108   12,366   12,491   12,759   13,123   13,785   14,065   14,839   15,381   16,839   17,008   17,312   17,857   18,879
              52”*  13,246   13,621   13,648   13,785   14,463   15,225   15,534   16,214   16,383   17,248   17,423   17,987   18,217
              54”*  13,621   13,730   13,927   14,065   14,759   15,534   16,353   16,382   16,547   18,113   18,294   18,885
              56”*  14,261   14,405   14,549   14,839   15,315   16,214   16,382   18,755   18,947   19,138   19,333   19,975
              60”*  15,136   15,381   15,535   16,839   17,217   17,248   18,113   19,138   20,142   22,049
              64”*  16,057   16,244   16,415   17,312   17,492   17,987   18,885   19,975
                                                                                Need a plaque even longer than 96”?
              66”*  16,216   16,380   16,544   17,857   18,036   18,217   19,276
              72”*  17,358   17,531   17,707   18,879
              78”*  18,243   18,423   18,608
                                                                                STANDARD DEPTHS:
             84”**  20,465                                                      •   Less than 324 sq. inches = 5/16” Depth
                                                                                •   324 - 575 sq. inches = 1/2” Depth
              *Oversize charges will apply                                      •   576 - 1,295 sq. inches = 3/4” Depth
              **No Guaranteed Ground Freight for plaques 80" and larger         •   Over 1,295 sq. inches = 1” Depth

            ADDITIONAL PRICING NOTES                                            MOUNTING PATTERNS:
                                                                                   • UP TO 12" = $23
             •  For sizes not shown, use the next largest plaque price.
                                                                                   • 13" - 23" = $45
             • Garden stake mount requires a minimum of 4"h plaque
                                                                                   • 24"+ = $67
             • 1" Post mount requires a minimum of 6"h plaque
             • 1.5" Post mount requires a minimum of 7"h plaque
             • 2" Post mount requires a minimum of 8"h plaque

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