Page 22 - Bronze
P. 22
CAST PhotoRelief & Bas Relief Pricing
PRICE PER PLAQUE: Include standard borders, random orbital nish, sand texture, dark oxide (bronze)
or black (aluminum) background. and one artwork proof.
Bronze PhotoRelief ™
8” 10” 12” 14” 16” 18” 20” 22” 24”
8” $582 $638 $708 $828 $957 $1,091 $1,172 $1,218 $1,224
10” 638 716 828 985 1,081 1,160 1,224 1,230 1,466
12” 708 828 1,016 1,119 1,315 1,316 1,466 1,603 1,748
14” 828 985 1,119 1,193 1,369 1,542 1,708 2,077 2,089
16” 957 1,081 1,315 1,369 1,556 1,745 1,976 2,377 2,389
18” 1,091 1,160 1,316 1,542 1,745 2,003 2,229 2,664 2,677
20” 1,172 1,224 1,466 1,708 1,976 2,229 2,474 2,963 2,978
22” 1,218 1,230 1,603 2,077 2,377 2,664 2,963 3,359 3,555
24” 1,224 1,466 1,748 2,089 2,389 2,677 2,978 3,555 3,574
26” 1,419 1,778 2,165 2,525 2,886 3,070 3,610 3,971 4,329
28” 1,506 1,821 2,229 2,722 3,110 3,117 3,699 4,276 4,446
30” 1,511 1,857 2,240 2,914 3,331 3,347 3,715 4,435 4,468
32” 1,748 2,223 2,664 3,110 3,555 3,997 4,435 4,882 5,323
34” 1,788 2,361 2,677 3,309 3,771 4,017 4,458 5,192 5,350 Bas Relief
36”* 1,806 2,495 2,691 3,494 3,997 4,037 4,479 5,323 5,363
We start with a quality photograph
*Oversize charges will apply
that the artist uses to create a clay
model. An image of this clay model
is sent via email for comments
or approval. This clay is used
to create the cast bronze or
aluminum bas relief and mechanically attached to the
plaque background.
Aluminum PhotoRelief ™ SIZE Single Head Double Head
4” $2,201 $3,070
8” 10” 12” 14” 16” 18” 20” 22” 24”
6” 2,201 3,070
8” $350 $382 $422 $493 $531 $611 $653 $679 $687
7” 2,201 3,070
10” 382 428 493 548 604 647 684 686 823
8” 2,201 3,070
12” 422 493 565 626 735 740 823 896 978
9” 2,201 3,070
14” 493 548 626 665 762 859 950 1,159 1,164
10” 2,201 3,070
16” 531 604 735 762 865 970 1,101 1,327 1,334
11” 2,383 3,312
18” 611 647 740 859 970 1,121 1,244 1,486 1,494
12” 2,525 3,745
20” 653 684 823 950 1,101 1,244 1,382 1,650 1,659
14” 2,997 3,896
22” 679 686 896 1,159 1,327 1,486 1,650 1,874 1,982
16” 3,423 4,400
24” 687 823 978 1,164 1,334 1,494 1,659 1,982 1,991
18” 3,752 4,886
26” 791 989 1,209 1,407 1,612 1,739 2,013 2,212 2,413
20” 4,131 5,404
28” 839 1,019 1,244 1,517 1,736 1,748 2,064 2,384 2,480
22” 4,508 5,865
30” 844 1,035 1,251 1,627 1,857 1,860 2,075 2,472 2,492
24” 4,886 6,353
32” 978 1,239 1,486 1,736 1,982 2,214 2,472 2,725 2,969
34” 1,000 1,319 1,494 1,842 2,105 2,236 2,486 2,891 2,985 Price includes Bas relief portrait only
- plaque sold separately.
36”* 1,005 1,386 1,501 1,946 2,224 2,246 2,497 2,969 2,999
*Oversize charges will apply 193